Diamonds in Vertu phones: some care features
Buying a phone with diamond inserts is not only a demonstration of your financial capabilities, but also a certain responsibility. This technology requires more careful care than a regular phone or smartphone upholstered in leather or metal trim. From time to time, the equipment will need to be taken in for servicing either to a specialized workshop or to a jeweler. But between these events it is necessary to independently carry out some procedures to cleanse the stones. They are simple, but require regularity and maximum accuracy from the owner.
Usually the bright shine disappears quite quickly. This is due to the fact that dust particles accumulate on the surface of diamonds and hand marks remain. But this problem is very easy to deal with: it is enough to wipe Vertu products from time to time with microfiber or other soft cloth that does not leave lint on the surface.
If the contamination is stronger than usual, treatment with a damp cloth is allowed - and then the stones must be dried and wiped again with something dry.
If you want to keep your diamonds in perfect condition, you are prohibited from:
- Remove dust and dirt from hard-to-reach places using needles, toothpicks and other sharp objects.
- Use aggressive detergents, as well as liquids of unknown origin.
- Use folk remedies like cleaning with soda, iodine, etc. Even if they do not damage the stones themselves, the surrounding materials can easily be damaged.
- Exposing stones to high temperatures—diamonds are afraid of them.
Rub the surface of the stones with something abrasive. Diamonds, although strong, are not worth the risk.
If some stains cannot be removed by regular wiping with microfiber, it is better to turn to specialists and entrust the work to them. They use safe tools, suitable liquids and ensure that there is no damage to the phone after cleaning operations.
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